Friday, April 24, 2009

My two weeks home. And coming back.

My temple experience was beautiful. First of all, Mom and I went to go buy my temple clothes and I tried on lots of temple dresses. I was going to get a simple one from the distribution center, but mom suggested we look one more place. so we went to White Elegance and they had this One dress.
Now about 5 years ago, Celena was getting ready to go on her mission and was also looking for a temple dress. We saw this one at BYU Bookstore and both fell in love with it. Well all these years every time I think about going to the temple and think about temple clothes, I would think about this gorgeous dress. Well we walk into White Elegance and they have it. And it looked beautiful on me. So it was my birthday present.
So after getting my temple dress and my temple cltohes, the day came. April 9, 2009 and I attended the Bountiful Temple. My beautiful and Amazing sister, Jacki flew in from California. Tons of my family and friends were there and I was so grateful for that experience.
It was so peaceful and just so right. I was surprised at how basic and simple it all seemed to be, but through these simplicities, the suympolism made me realize how important these things were.
I loved the temple and I want to go more. I have such a desire to have those blessings and that peace in my life. If you think about all the people who have lived in this world awho have never heard of the gospel or even who have and never got to go to the temple, that's a lot of souls that need these keys to progress eternally. And if you go once a week, that means in a year you've only helped 52 of these souls.
That is NOT enough. We saints have a lot of work to do. And that is why it is so important that we live worthily to make and KEEP our temple covenants. (And do our genealogy)

On April 17, mom and I got to go see John Kimura Parker play our favorite Rachmaninoff Piano Concertos with Utah Symphony. We had been plannig this for months and we were VERY excited when it was going to be while I was home and so clsoe to my birthday. So we dressed up all perty and went.
During intermission mom got up to go use the restroom and I was waiting for her and I see this guy and I think, "wow, he looks a lot like L. Tom Perry...wait a minute!" So I go looking for mom and I find her and just as I'm walking up to her and I look over her shoulder and go...oh my word. I bolt past her.
I introduced myself to Dalin H. Oaks and his wife. I explain to them that I was in Germany when they gave their fireside and told them a few things they said and told them it was at those moments I received confirmation to my prayers and fasting that I should go to the temple and receive my endowments. They both promised me I would have great blessings in my life if I kept this in my life. And I was so grateful for that.
I like how mom put it, "Well if that wasn't Heavenly Father's signature on this whole thing, then I don't know what is," I agree and I agree with President Monson when he said, "I stopped believing in Coincidences a long time ago."
Oh by the way. It was L. Tom Perry and I did meet him.

The night before I left, Dad, Russell, Kevin, and Thayne gave me a beautiful blessing. My father gives such beautiful blessings. I was so grateful for the love these men have for me and how much their priesthood protects me.

The whole plane ride back, I cried. When I got back, I felt like I was waking up from an amazing dream. Like I never even left Germany. And actually, this week I've faced some major depression that I don't understand or know quite how to deal with. But lucky for me I have an amazing mother who loves me and is there for me every step of the way.

For those who don't know, Before I left, I gave my 8 weeks. I will be returning home May 30th. There are many reasons, family reasons, financial reasons (this being the biggest. I'm not really making money and I have way too much debt.) and personal reasons.
So I am working towards overcoming this depression, this darkness, this opposite of what i felt in that temple, and getting back home to my life, to my house, to my puppy, and to my mother and father whom I miss more than words could express.
I ask of you your prayers. I find myself asking father in heaven to allow me to draw on the strength of the blessings I've received, the promises made in the covenants I've made, and from the prayers taht Are being said for me. Thank you all for your love and support. And please write. Let me know of the things going on in your life. thanks, Mandee.

3 comments: :) said...

Beautiful, sweet and personal words to those of us who adore you. Hang in there, baby -- you're doing GREAT!! mom

Elena Loo said...

They are definitely going to be ok. That I know for sure. Keep going with a step forward in faith. Try to find Joy in the journey now. I'm sorry you're going through a rough time. I hope that things can be smooth sailing soon. I know when things are rough for me, do what Henry B. Eyring suggested (if you're not already :) - each day write down how God has touched your life. Maybe it will help you. It helps me.

Congrats on going through the temple. Josh and I were actually there that day doing sealings! We saw Tope and she told us you were going through. That is so great. I'm so happy for you.

Smile - you've got a great one to share.

Cathryn said...

Congratufreakinglations on your trip to the temple! How beautiful! I just thought I'd drop you a quick line because the week after I went to the temple, I got really depressed and stressed too. I talked with my mom and a couple of close friends, and all of them mentioned the idea that sometimes Satan works extra hard against us when we've got an increased surge of spirituality in our lives. Good luck--hang in there and don't let the devil get you down!