Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Kew Gardens

Kew Gardens...woah. Amazing. 

Kew Gardens were originated in the exotic garden at Kew Park but was extended by Augusta, Princess of Wales. It is quite amazing. It is HUGE! There are acres and acres and a pagoda and a japanese shrine and the worlds largest Glass houses and a Lily house and EVERYTHING! It was amazing and gorgeous and beautiful! We spent ALL day there and saw so many things but we only got through about half the gardens! These are my favorite photos from the trip!

I will be moving in this house with Mr Darcy after our wedding. :) 

These water lilies are HUGE. I'm not kidding. Apparently they are so strong they can hold a baby on them. They grow them every year from seed. 


Elena Loo said...

I want to go to there!

Beautiful!!! :) said...

These are very cool pictures -- of what must be a VERY cool place. Glad you get to be there. :)